
How Successful Agents get Purposeful to Increase Business

The concept of obtaining knowledge and implementing it through purposeful action typically involves a significant amount of change. If we don't get purposeful and change have we actually learned anything? Change and action always involve taking risks. Risks are never easy, but the alternative choice of doing nothing through inaction is almost never the better alternative. So one must be willing to fail, often multiple times, in order to truly learn and succeed. Otherwise, inaction allows you to snuggle deeper into a security blanket of knowledge while learning through taking action becomes more of an improbability.
Those that put the quest for knowledge in its proper place and choose to learn by taking action are rewarded if they embrace failure as the only means to achieve success. This concept of failing forward is embedded in the minds of top real estate agents. They actually seek out opportunities to fail as they understand that it is the only way to achieve significant personal growth. Soon the habit of getting uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable is formed, and they break through ceilings of achievement on a regular basis. They understand how to learn as an ongoing part of their practices.

How Top Producing Agents Get Purposeful to Increase Business
So get purposeful and take action!  Remember that it is always better to be told to wait than wait to be told. So to truly learn how to be successful in real estate, agents must decide what to do and start doing it.  This is especially true if they don't naturally want to start taking the action.

Action builds confidence; Inaction breeds doubt
Action teaches courage; Inaction indicates fear
Action brings growth through mistakes; Inaction brings stagnation and atrophy
Action leads to solutions; Inaction concentrates on the problems

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