
Realtor Talking Points: Overcoming Listing Presentation Objections

Come from Curiosity  & Listen
I was able to interview three top real estate listing specialists to discuss the objections that they most frequently encounter from sellers when listing homes for sale.  Matt Graham, Ken Smith and Shelleen Wienke then revealed their favorite scripts and dialogues for handling and overcoming these objections.  Throughout our discussion about overcoming listing presentation objections an underlying theme seemed to continuously surface: make it about the client's needs.  In the following video these three dynamic real estate professionals explain how:
Brian Icenhower interviews 3 top listing specialists to learn the
scripts & dialogues they use to overcome the most common
listing presentation objections.
No matter whether an objection be about price, commission, condition of the home, or the need to interview other agents, it is essential for a real estate agent to illustrate how a desired activity is in alignment with a client's needs.  Experienced real estate professionals understand that this is never accomplished by telling or arguing, but instead by coming from curiosity and asking questions. More specifically, by asking questions about why clients want to move to determine their true motivation. Once clients self-discover that their minor objections are hindering their major motivators, they soon become willing to take the necessary actions to turn their needs into reality.